
Wishing all our friends a Merry Xmas and a Happy 2022

  Xmas message from The Carters 2021     As we have done for a number of years we are not sending cards, instead we have given a donation to Isabel Hospice, a local charity.  This has been another very strange year.  We hope this message finds you safe and well and not suffering unduly from the rules and regulations we are having to live our lives by.  We wish you all a safe and happy Xmas with as much contact with your family as you judge to be sensible.  As we enter 2022 it seems we are moving towards another lockdown.  Whatever your decision with regard to the pandemic we hope 2022 is a much better year for you and your family. Who would have thought that 2021 would turn out to be just as tough as 2020.  We started the year in lockdown and did much as we did last year.  Looking after our grandchildren when needed, many walks, dog walking and shopping on-line.  Graham volunteered at the local vaccination centre and local school LFD testing of children.  All the events planned for las