Wishing all our friends a Merry Xmas and a Happy 2022

 Xmas message from The Carters 2021



As we have done for a number of years we are not sending cards, instead we have given a donation to Isabel Hospice, a local charity. 

This has been another very strange year.  We hope this message finds you safe and well and not suffering unduly from the rules and regulations we are having to live our lives by.  We wish you all a safe and happy Xmas with as much contact with your family as you judge to be sensible.  As we enter 2022 it seems we are moving towards another lockdown.  Whatever your decision with regard to the pandemic we hope 2022 is a much better year for you and your family.

Who would have thought that 2021 would turn out to be just as tough as 2020.  We started the year in lockdown and did much as we did last year.  Looking after our grandchildren when needed, many walks, dog walking and shopping on-line.  Graham volunteered at the local vaccination centre and local school LFD testing of children.  All the events planned for last year once more were moved to 2022.  We are all double vaccinated and boosted and feeling more relaxed as the data is not rocketing skyward yet.

We had two very sad events with our pets this year.  Kiera, our 20 year old tarantula, passed away quietly, so quiet Fiona was unsure if she was actually dead.  And Rosie our adventurous Irish Terrier chased a deer onto a busy road and was run down by a van breaking both her front legs.  It was touch and go for a few days but 9 weeks later she is almost back to going on proper walks.

On a happier note Robert and Karen acquired a new puppy.  A very cute, boisterous cocker spaniel who has taken over their house, where allowed!  There is a common theme to the photos!

Most of our family birthdays are celebrated in the first 4 months of the year.  So many virtual / doorstep birthdays took place during lockdown.

As outdoor activities were generally acceptable with limits of 6 people in a group Graham resumed work in the local wood with one major project delayed from 2021 completed.  Slightly later in the year due to the nature of the activity Fiona resumed her volunteering with the Riding for The Disabled Association (RDA) in the wood.

Golf also restarted early with access to the course granted but without any access to the clubhouse and bar either before or after.  

The big celebration of the year was the twins 40th birthday!!!  Can't believe 40 years have passed since that early Friday morning in Chelmsford.  With venues all closed; the scheduled event in a Suffolk cottage postponed until later in the year; and no Glastonbury we held a festival in the garden - "40-Fest", our very own Glastonbury and definitely not a "Party"!! 




Over 2 years ago we booked a family holiday in Madeira for August 2021.  As we moved closer to this date with countries moving into and out of the governments Red List we were not sure whether to go or not.  We eventually bit the bullet as Madeira was placed on the Green List and had a very enjoyable family break.  Whilst away Fiona had her 66th birthday which means she is now officially an old age pensioner in receipt of the monthly government pension just the 6 years later than she expected.

On return with grandparent duties to perform through the summer holidays we ventured out camping and beaching with the grandkids.  A much welcome break from staying in and boxed sets.

And then camping in Dorset.

The local Rotary Club invited us to put our garden in their "Open Gardens" event.  Fiona duly accepted and we spent a month getting the garden into a fit state for viewing.  Ours was advertised as "A grandchild's paradise".  When the day came it was as if the floodgates had opened.  Everyone was desperate for a day out.  Over 500 visitors came to view the 5 gardens open on the day and the Tea Tent was mobbed.  Very well worth it as we raised £5,500 for local charities.  

A few weeks later Graham took on a firewalk challenge across 1200 degree hot coals, by walking the course 3 times he completed his target of walking a cricket pitch's length of 22 yards and raised £1,500 for the local hospice.

Another landmark birthday took place later in the year with Lyndsey's 50th.  As a huge lover of my new car I arranged for her to drive it, not mine of course, around Porsche's Silverstone circuit.  I think she enjoyed it!!

Last year Karen made an application to enter the London Marathon via the public draw route.  She was surprised and shocked to learn that she was accepted into the race and her training had to start immediately.  She did a brilliant job running through injury, pain and terrible weather and often while the family were enjoying beaches and other less strenuous activities.  On the day she ran a fantastic race and finished with a time of just over 5 hours 30 minutes, a great achievement.

Devon took up karate this year and took his first belt exam on Dec 5th.  He passed with distinction.  No one messes with him now.


Thea started nursery school this year.  Natalie chose a woodland nursery near her hospital in Richmond.  This is an outdoor activities based school which raised concerns over weather and the cold.  But we should not have worried as she took to it like a duck to water.

Just as we have started going into London again for the theatre, museums and children's activities so the world seems to be closing in on us.  We have our fingers crossed for family meals and Xmas parties, but already we have had one cancelled.

Merry Xmas

Graham, Fiona, Natalie, Olivia, Robert, Karen, Lyndsey, Devon & Thea


  1. Happy Christmas to you and your family Graham and Fiona. Despite the pandemic a lot of happy memories made. We count our blessings. xx


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